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    Perfect world: a person has weeks to decide what they need to take for a year, sort and carefully pack. Figure it out before hand.

    Alternative: three hours, throw everything in bags and boxes, cram it in the car, pet your cat goodbye, walk away. Pray. Figure it out as you go along.

    Guess which door I walked through?




    1. a small cardboard or paper container and the items contained within it (packet, container, package, box, carton, parcel)

    • a set of playing cards.

    • a knapsack or backpack.

    • a collection of related documents, especially one kept in a folder.

    • a quantity of fish, fruit, or other foods packed or canned in a particular season or year.

    2. a group of wild animals, living and hunting together.

    synonyms: crowd, mob, group, band, troupe, party, set, gang, rabble, horde, herd, throng, huddle, mass, host, gathering

    • a group of hounds kept and used for hunting.

    • an organized group of Scouts.

    • the main body of competitors following the leader or leaders in a race or competition.

    • a group or set of similar things or people.

    • short for pack ice.

    • rugby a team's forwards considered as a group.

    3. a hot or cold pad of absorbent material, especially as used for treating an injury.


    1. fill a suitcase or bag, especially with clothes and other items needed when away from home. (fill, put things in, load)

    • place (something) in a container, especially for transportation or storage.

    • be capable of being folded up for transportation or storage.

    • store something perishable in (a specified substance) in order to preserve it.

    • informal carry (a gun).

    • cram a large number of things into (a container or space).

    • crowd into and fill (a room, building, or place): teeming, seething, swarming

    • cover, surround, or fill. (wrap up, package, swathe, swaddle, enfold, envelop)

    • RUGBY (of players) form or take their places in a scrum.


    Middle English: from Middle Dutch and Middle Low German pak (noun), pakken (verb). The verb appears early in Anglo-Latin and Anglo-Norman French in connection with the wool trade; trade in English wool was chiefly with the Low Countries.




    1. to choose, collect, arrange, or manipulate (cards, persons, facts, etc) so as to serve one’s own purposes (pack the jury, pack the deck)


    early 16th century (in the sense ‘enter into a private agreement’): probably from the obsolete verb pact ‘enter into an agreement with,’ the final -t being interpreted as an inflection of the past tense.



    1. Scottish very friendly or intimate

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