Two poems.
To a journal I hugely respect.
Both written in Vermont, one in April, one since I got here. We Were Here and Jogging the Rail Trail Past Parker and Stearns.
Feels fitting. And absurd. And exciting, I almost couldn't breathe, had to walk down the street and couldn't reply for half an hour.
My first real acceptances for this new work. Now just to do more.
But also, in a greater sense, such a beautiful word... accepted. Wood taking the stain passively, letting it soak in, or an electric socket receiving the three prongs; taking something new on, a job; is it a question of being admitted to a school; what reconcilation is required; is it sound (or sound) or true; part of a tradition, another kilt or holiday custom to hang along with the stockings; acknowledging the work to be done or simply something to swallow or bear.
Let me tell you. On this account, it is everything. A ticket to the ball and I don't even care about the pumpkin and mice. Such a privilege just to join the dancing for one song.
1. generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct.
2. generally approved; regarded as normal or right; customary; established
1. consent to receive a thing offered (take, get, obtain, acquire, undertake, assume).
2. give an affirmative answer to (an offer or proposal).
3. agree or assent to, accede to
4. receive as adequate, valid, or suitable, or admit formally. "the college accepted her as a student"
5. to accommodate or reconcile oneself to: accept the situation.
6. to regard as true or sound; believe: to accept a claim.
7. to regard as normal, suitable, or usual.
8. to receive as to meaning; understand.
9. regard favorably or with approval; welcome, greet, receive, embrace, adopt
10. be designed to allow (something) to be inserted or applied, to receive or contain something attached or inserted. "vending machines that accepted 100-yen coins for cans of beer"
11. to receive (a transplanted organ or tissue) without adverse reaction.
12. dated say yes to a proposal of marriage
13. believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct, trust. "this explanation came to be accepted by the group"
14. take upon oneself (a responsibility or liability); acknowledge.
15. tolerate or submit to something unpleasant or undesired (bear, take, submit to, stomach, swallow, tolerate, endure, learn to live with).
late Middle English: from Latin acceptare, frequentative of accipere ‘take something to oneself,’ from ad- ‘to’ + capere ‘take.’