A Russian artist, showing two carousels of slides. Real slides, rotated and dropped in front of a heated bulb, projected to hum and click. Dust and scratches, great depth of field, occasionally an unclear focus. Click, click, pause, click. I love slides, and have a wealth that need to be scanned.

And then he showed his last project the way we always see projects now, a powerpoint of clean digital blandness. Not that the work was bland, but there is something seductive about film, and slides, the physicality of fixed information bled by light.
Yesterday I slumped. Today, slide. A twinning of aliterative consonants to begin, the tongued SL. Both ending somewhere near D. Almost failing, but pulling out by the edge of the seat. Not pretty but passing.
But also. A child at the playground, breath held before a twirled exit. Or a straight shot down into waiting arms.
A shuffle of feet on a dance floor. Effortless, your arms in his arms as you twirl. A guitar.
The uncertain slip of low grip on ice. Or an escape. A base stolen. A window in its track.
A note into someone's hand.
To examine, or deteriorate. And yet.
After the slide talk, I went to Wicked Wings with Julia and Yona and we shared a beer and conversation, three women of some years who let words and experience move easy around the table, just ourselves, slid. Lovely. Its own magic lantern.
1. to move along in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface
2. to slip or skid.
3. to glide or pass smoothly.
4. to slip easily, quietly, or unobtrusively on or as if on a track, channel,or guide rail (usually followed by in, out, away, etc.).
5. to pass or fall gradually into a specified state, character, practice, etc.
6. to decline or decrease: Interest rates are beginning to slide.
7. Baseball. (of a base runner) to cast oneself, usually feet first, forwardalong the ground in the direaction of the base being approached, present less of a target for a baseman attempting to make a tag.
8. to cause to slide, slip, or coast, as over a surface or with a smooth, gliding motion.
9. to hand, pass along, or slip (something) easily or quietly (usually followed by in, into, etc.)
10. an act or instance of sliding.
11. a smooth surface for sliding on, especially a type of chute in a playground.
12. an object intended to slide.
13. Geology.
a landslide or the like.
the mass of matter sliding down.
14. a single transparency, object, or image for projection in a projector,as a lantern slide.
15. Photography. a small positive color transparency mounted forprojection on a screen or magnification through a viewer.
16. a rectangular plate of glass on which objects are placed for microscopic examination.
17. let slide, allow to deteriorate, pursue a natural course, etc.,without intervention on one's part,
to let things slide.
before 950; Middle English sliden (v.), Old English slidans; cognate Middle Low German slīden, MiddleHigh German slīten; akin to sled.
Old English slidan (intransitive, past tense slad, past participle sliden) "to glide, slip, fall, fall down;" figuratively "fail, lapse morally, err; betransitory or unstable," from Proto-Germanic *slidan "to slip, slide" (cf. OldHigh German slito, German Schlitten "sleigh, sled"), from PIE root *sleidh "slide, slip" (cf. Lithuanian slystu "to glide, slide," Old Church Slavonic "track," Greek olisthos "slipperiness," olisthanein "to slip," Middle Irish sloet "slide"). Meaning "slip, lose one's footing" is from early 13c. Transitive sense from1530s. Phrase let (something) slide "let it take its own course" is in Chaucer (late 14c.). Sliding scale in reference to payments, etc., is from1842.
n. 1560s, from slide (v.). As a smooth inclined surface down which something can be slid, from 1680s; the playground slide is from 1890. Meaning"collapse of a hillside, landslide" is from 1660s. As a working part of amusical instrument from 1800 (e.g. slidetrombone, 1891). Meaning "rapid downturn" is from 1884. Meaning "picture prepared for use with a projector" is from 1819 (in reference to magic lanterns). Baseball sense isfrom 1886. Slide-guitar is from 1968.